• ” The custom of building altars and celebrating the Liturgy over the burial place of martyrs was probably inspired by the belief that martyrdom is a sharing in Christ’s sufferings. By the time of the Second Council of Nicaea (787) the actual division of relics had become common practice, for this council stipulates that every altar must contain a relic. “

    – Aidan Heart, Iconographer
  • ” By means of His coming, Christ hath filled all things with His light; our souls are now consecrated and by His Holy Spirit He hath renewed the world; for a house is founded to the Lord’s praise and glory, wherein Christ our God, for the salvation of mortals, doth consecrate and hallow the hearts of all His faithful flock “

    – From the Consecration Service, Anonymous
  • ” The Theotokos is “She Who is Wider than the Heavens,” for she held God in her holy womb. God chose to dwell within her ever-virgin womb, [..] and because God dwelt within her and made of her body a Temple for His Tabernacle in the Flesh, we behold in this church that we consecrate today a living Tabernacle where God lives and meets His People…”

    – H.E. Elpidophoros, Archbishop of America
  • 6:00 PM

    Hierarchical Vespers for Consecration – St. John The Baptist – Church

  • 7:00 AM

    Hierarchical Orthros for Consecration – St. John The Baptist – Church

  • 8:00 AM

    Consecration Service – St. John The Baptist – Church

  • 10:00 AM

    Hierarchical Consecration Liturgy – St. John The Baptist – Church

  • 1:00 PM

    Consecration Banquet – Marriot DFW – Banquet hall

  • 6:00 PM

    Hierarchical Sunday Vespers  – St. John The Baptist – Church

  • 8:30 AM

    Hierarchical Orthros and Divine Liturgy – St. John The Baptist – Church

Consecrating Hierarchs and Guest Speakers


Ruling Hierarch Metropolis of Denver

His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah (Chronopoulos) of Denver is the ruling hierarch of the Metropolis of Denver, a metropolis within the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America covering a twelve-state region (and parts of two others) in the Intermountain Region of the United States.


Bible Scholar

Dr. Constantinou has been teaching Biblical Studies and Early Christianity at the University of San Diego since 2002. Previously she taught New Testament at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology from 1998-1999. She has led bible studies, taught and lectured on the Bible and Orthodoxy at parishes, conferences, retreats and seminars for over thirty years. She is married to Fr. Costa, who is a Greek Orthodox priest, and is simply “Mom” to son Christopher.