To set apart and make holy for God’s Sacred Use * To devote or dedicate to God * To make perfect and holy * To renew


Exodus 40:9 “God said to Moses, Take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and everything in it: consecrate it and all its furnishings, and it will be holy.”

 2 Chronichles 5:7 “And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of Jehovah to its place, to the Holy of Holies in the house, into the most holy place, under the wings of the cherubs.”

Romans 12:1-9 “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”


Consecrated People:

Old Testament: Moses, Solomon, Aaron

New Testament: JESUS CHRIST, Twelve Disciples, Saint Paul

Consecrated Places:

Solomon’s Temple, The Holy of Holies, Noah’s Altar, Altar of Burnt Offering, Mount Sinai, Tomb of CHRIST, The Sanctuary

Consecrated Things:

Ark of the Covenant, Aaron’s Rod, Moses’ Staff, Cross of CHRIST, Relics of our Saints, Holy Utensils, Body and Blood of Christ in the Divine Liturgy

What will GOD Consecrate on June 24, 2023?

Saint John the Baptist Church: The Church Structure, the Sanctuary, the Altar Table, the Icons, The Laos, ‘the People’. Together with the Church’s consecration, we should seek that we also become consecrated people, renewed, dedicating ourselves to be set apart for God’s sacred use.

Why now? St. John the Baptist Community has been a presence for more than 40 year in the DFW Orthodox Family. The new Church, built with the sacrifices of our community of faith, is now ready to be consecrated, dedicated to God for perpetual service of the Eucharist.

When is the Consecration?

Saturday, the 24th of June, 2023


Friday, June 23 

  • Arrival of the Holy Relics / 5:45 PM
  • Great Consecration Vespers / 6:00 PM
  • Refreshments in the “Elpida and Dan Peters” Parish Center / 7:00 PM

Saturday, June 24

  • Consecration Matins / 7:30 AM
  • Consecration Service / 8:30 AM
  • Grand Banquet, / 1:00 PM Marriott Hotel, 4151 Centreport Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76155
  • Vespers / 6:00 PM

Sunday, June 25

  • Orthros and Divine Liturgy / 8:30 AM
  • Community Lunch follows in the “Elpida and Dan Peters” Parish Center

What is the Consecration and why does it take place? The Church as a house of prayer, is the place where the faithful gather for the celebration of the Eucharist. It is and will remain the House of God in which God is always present, and where we receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit imparted through the Holy Sacraments and especially by the union with the Holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the Consecration Service, this House is consecrated, blessed and dedicated for this purpose unto perpetuity. Following an ancient rite, during this service, the ruling Hierarch deposits the Holy Relics of Martyr Saints in the Altar Table and Altar and he anoints the entire Church with the Great and Holy Myrrh. This is an ancient biblical practice with deep roots in the Old Testament, perfected in the Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Who are the clergy that will officiate? Metropolitan Isaiah, Bishop Constantine, Fr. Vasile Tudora (our Parish Priest), Deacon Paul Zaharis, Deacon George Genovezos (our Parish Deacon) and guest clergy.

How does the Church prepare for the Consecration? First of all, the Church and the Church grounds have to be beautified and prepared for the Consecration, just like a Bride prepares to meet her Bridegroom. This means that the Church building, the iconography, the furniture, the altar items etc., have to be all acquired and prepared in advance for the services.

The night before, the Altar Table is uncovered and the receptacle in the altar table, which will house the relics of the Saints, is opened. When the Bishop enters the Church, he will bring with him the relics of the Saints. These relics will be placed on a Paten (Diskos), covered, and they will remain on the Altar Table overnight, together with a Vigil Light.

Who are the Saints whose relics will be sealed in the altar table? This is still to be decided by our Metropolitan.

When does the service start? The Consecration of the Church begins on the Eve of the celebration with a short Prayer Service of receiving the Relics, honoring the memory of Saints that would be deposed in the Holy Altar. The Great Vespers of Consecration follows. On Saturday Morning the order of services are Consecration Matins/Orthros, the actual Consecration Service and the first Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated Church.

What does the Consecration Matins service consist of? The Matins, the morning service, begins with the reading of the Six Psalms (3, 37, 62, 87,102,142) and ends with the Great Doxology. At Matins, hymns related to the consecration and the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist are sung. During this time the Priest will also celebrate part of the Proskomede/Oblation Service (preparing the Gifts which will be used during the Divine Liturgy). At the appointed time the Bishop will enter the Church and will put on his Vestments. At the end of Matins, the Bishop will begin the Service of Consecration.

What exactly happens during the Service of Consecration? The Consecration is a special service which “elevates” an ordinary building into the House of God. This takes place through the Grace of the Holy Spirit. Many symbolic actions take place such as:

  1. The Three Processions around the Church Building.
  2. The Placing of, and Sealing of, the Holy Relics in the Altar Table.
  3. The Washing and Anointing of the Altar Table.
  4. The Placing of the new Altar Coverings and other Holy Articles on the Holy Table.
  5. The Lighting of the Vigil Light.
  6. The First Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated Church

See more details about the Consecration Service here.

Will I receive a keepsake to commemorate the event? After the Archbishop is finished with the Savanon, he will hand it to the Ladies of the Philoptochos who will cut it into small strips and place in a commemorate item which you will receive at the end of the service.

How can I help? The Consecration of Saint John the Baptist Church is an amazing effort and a “once-in-a-lifetime” event that will require every parishioner to make the best gift they possibly can. If you can contribute $5,000 or more it would be an unbelievable help and insure that the Consecration will be a blessed event. If you can contribute $2,500 it will help us reach our goal and will be greatly appreciated. If you can’t contribute any of those amounts, please consider a sacrificial gift of $1,000 or at least $500. No matter what, your sacrificial gift is greatly appreciated.

What is the God Parents Program? We have created an important pledge and sponsorship program for your consideration as we prepare the consecration of our very lives. Your contributions will enable us to host all the Consecration events and beautify God’s Holy Temple, the Church, to make it ready for its Consecration. more details here.

What is the role of a God Parent? In the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, it is our Godparent who affirms our acceptance of Christ, pledges our adherence to the teachings of the Church, and helps guide us on our journey toward salvation. The sacred role of the Godparent is to be our sponsor and guardian in the Faith.

Similarly, in the sacred Service of Consecration, we are invited to become the Godparent and guardians of our Church! We are called to reaffirm our commitment to Christ, pledge our heartfelt support and be sanctified as those who “love the beauty of His house.” All together we will ask God to “preserve the fullness of His Church.”

Who should I contact for more information/questions?

Banquet: Barbara Vittas

Donations/Fundraising: Betsy Hayes and Nancy Medvic

Media Relations: Harriet Blake

Parking and Event Access: TBD

Youth Activities: Ian Rehmet and Alex Genovezos

All Other Inquiries: The Church Office