Chalice and Diskos Set for Holy Communion


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The Chalice Diskos set is absolutely necessary for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy.

The Communion Cup symbolizes the cup used in the Mystical Supper when Christ offered wine to his disciples. In this cup, water is mixed with wine in reparation for Divine liturgy.

The paten or diskos is a vessel where the Holy Lamb is placed during the service of Oblation and prepared for offering during Divine Liturgy.

The lance is a small knife with a handle ending in a cross, is used for cutting the Holy Bread, symbolizing the lance that pierced Christ’s side on the Cross. It is also used to take out the bread particles for the commemoration of the faithful.

The long spoon accompanies the set and it is used for Holy Communion.

The asterisk is made of two strips of metal laid one on top of the other and joined in the center forming a cross. Placed on top of the paten, it prevents the cover from touching the Holy Bread.

The designs is according to Byzantine tradition in gilded sterling silver.


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